
Objectives/ foundation/ Principles

The fundamental principles which will guide the organization and our people who will be the drivers of the organization's achievement of goals.


Our Organization Key fundamental resource - Human Resources

A) Select highly trained people responsible for each position in the organization. Continuous learning process a key factor in ensuring the organization growth.

B) Human psychology - behaviours are very important, a working employee in one country nature is different from another employee. So it is very important for us to study that country's culture/ values/ expectation of individuals in life/ their working experience.

C) Development of local resources at ground level to reflect as that country's national company - which will give a sense of localized preference & will pave way for our organization relationship building with local clients.

D) Provide autonomy in making operational decision keeping in mind the goal to be achieved.

E) Provide a continuous level of enthusiasm in the people. This will drive them work whole heartedly . This can be achieved by continuous plan of innovative activities through out the year w.r.t marketing/ intrapersonal skills/ personal recognition for achievement.

F) Frame objectives which are realistic/ achievable with complete collaboration to the lowest level . Involvement of each and every individual in framing the objectives is the key , as this will drive a sense of team effort and will give high level of entrepreneurship to each individual.

G) At RV Telpha we will create a environment of entrepreneurship - where each person feels like his own organization and have a sense of stability/ security throughout his or her tenure in the organization.


A) At RV Telpha will focus as marketing services organization with focus on specialty products / therapies for better quality of life. We will plan our operations / objectives/ keeping this cardinal objective in mind which is our vision.

B) At RV Telpha our business operations will be focused on marketing /distribution and providing a one stop shop to our customers.

C) At RV Telpha We will reinvest these profits on improving the marketing techniques/ infrastructure/ increase product portfolio/ liason with authentic suppliers in the world – whom they think we are the one-stop international marketing services organization and whom we think meet our core focus.

D) At RV Telpha Apart from our human resources - our other fundamental asset is our CUSTOMERS.

E) At RV Telpha Our customers will suppliers/ distributors/ hospitals/ Non governmental organizations/ Pharmacies/ trade institutions of that country where we originate the product and sell/market / distribute the product.

F) At RV Telpha we will strive to practice our core values with our customers and position ourselves as a trusted responsible health care services company.

G) At RV Telpha we will also design / participate in non profit oriented programmes in the country of operation to build an image in our customers; mind.

H) Our business practices will be completed focused on our core objectives and fulfilling the customer needs.

I) Our products selection will be based on our core focus & customer requirement to that.

J) The Products we market will comply to the stringent quality requirements for that country which will in proportion will effect the customer's appreciation.

K) All our marketing activities/ services will be based on needs of the customers/ needs of the market which can be short but will definitely be long term.


A) RV Telpha fields /areas of interest are based on the core focus/ goals laid by its management.

B) RV Telpha will enter/entice interest in the areas where the core focus/ goals are achievable.

C) This interest is a dynamic one which will be updated on timely basis/ can be geographical/ diverse specialty etc.

D) RV Telpha will be in services sector related to health care with focus on specialty therapies for improving the quality of life.

E) RV Telpha Key interest to enter fields is based on core focus/ contribution - which will help the personnel to generate new ideas for contribution.


A) At RV Telpha we will define our growth be determined the products selection/ services & the changes in the market dynamics will be determined by these criteria.

B) At RV Telpha In the first place we are in international marketing & distribution area , where the global generics are growing at rapid phase. There is an ample avenue / opportunity for us as the supplier with innovative therapies will need our services in the markets. The reasons could be - protective marketing policy by them, being a research oriented organization, having a niche only in manufacture etc.

C) At RV Telpha we will initiate projects which will attract such customers which will fuel our growth based on customer needs/ market dynamics.

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